the oil party


there’s a party
down the street
bring your friends
all this week

all you farmers
poets, friends
stop your labors
change your clothes

house is open
starting slow
pace picks up
taking hold

all are here
and endless drink
dance the floor off
nod and wink

food is plenty
house is big
pass the gravy
take a plate

wander round
the upstairs rooms
doors are open
bright and warm

stroll the gardens
walk the path
guided tour
modern plants

open basement
down below
fingers beckon
money flows

wild dancing
on the stairs
new times have
replaced the old

some of this
some of that
living frenzy
no way back

drinks are spilling
dark and stained
floor is rubble
air is haze

carpet’s colored
curtains ripped
records scratched
tables tipped

the night is now
well underway
people sitting
people stay

moon a quiet
shadow down
light is dim
end of play

same old restless
quiet talk
cozy sofa
dark and soft

breath of air
walk outside
night birds hearing
stars unwind

many sleeping
where they danced
choose a haven
safe the night

some are snoring
some are dead
some are dreaming
some have bled

sky is pink
hue of dawn
out of darkness
sky is blue

in the waking
slow transition
of the cost
a wary few

sun is shining
early day
clean up time
has begun

do it this way
let’s try that
time is wasting
decide soon

if we wait
the house will crumble
or at least
rooms will cave

we don’t know if
storms will batter
all we know
into dust

clean the house
bit by bit
open windows
slow return

plant the garden
leaving trees
clean the kitchen
clear the air

big decision
leave the past
smaller parties
no big blast

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